Ultra workers

Ultra workers

the residence, the lawsuit states, Sara Netanyahu forbade her and other workers to use the bathroom on the second floor, letting her only use the security guards' bathroom. In addition, the lawsuit says, Sara Netanyahu did not allow the woman to eat and drink, take breaks or lean on furniture while working. She adds that the cleaning guidelines imposed by the Netanyahus were "extreme."
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahuresponded to the allegations on his Facebook page on Friday, blaming Yedioth Ahronoth and the lawyer for the former caretaker Meni Naftali. "There is no limit to the persecution, no end to the lies and no end to the character assassination," he said. According to Netanyahu, the allegations in the lawsuits are "imaginary" and "the time the worker spent alongside Mrs. Netanyahu is shorter than the length of her lawsuit." 
The lawsuit was also filed against the Prime Minister's Office, the cleaning company through which the woman was employed, Netanyahu's adviser for ultra-Orthodox affairs, Rivka Faluch, the chief caretaker of the residence and Netanyahu's Chief of Staff Yoav Horowitz.


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